book two.


i . the sky is unshakeable // and i am taking notes

in-frame: Suzie

ii . moments in between

in-frame: Andrew

iii. hard exteriors // soft interiors

in-frame: Matthew & Luigi

iv . there is a loneliness in this world so great that you can see it in the slow movement of the hands of a clock

in-frame: Luke

v . take up your space.

in-frame: Mariee-Aimee

vi . a lazy day

in-frame: Gary

vii . sseeing doublee?

in-frame: Madeleine & Glenn

viii . self-care is not selfish

in-frame: Julia

ix . close encounters

in-frame: Yannick

x . pastel play

in-frame: Kylie


in-frame: Tiffany // Kat // Madeleine // Julia // Olesya // Suzie